Vestíbul de la Biblioteca del Congrés dels Estats Units
by Taller de Picasso

A total of 17 copies of the collection of bibliography books ‘Poemes i Dibuixos’ (Poems and Drawings), edited by Jordi Costa -owner of Taller de Picasso-, are part of the Library of US Congress. This institution brings together the largest volume of rare and valuable books, including one of only four intact copies of Gutenberg’s ‘Bible’ and the draft US Declaration of Independence.

Catalan is thus one of the 470 languages ​​that are represented in the national library of the United States, constituted in 1800. The volumes of the collection ‘Poemes i Dibuixos’ can be found in the Thomas Jefferson Building or in the John Adams Building.


In total, there are 17 books of Catalan poets as outstanding as Salvador Espriu, J. V. Foix, Marià Manent or Manuel de Pedrolo. The poems are accompanied by the original drawings of emblematic artists from the background of the Col·lecció Jordi Costa del Taller de Picasso de Barcelona, ​​such as Margarida Cabot, Víctor Ramírez and Fernando Lozano.

Specifically, in the Library of Congress of the United States can be consulted these books of ‘Poemes i Dibuixos’ between 1982 and 1986: Volume 1, with poems of the collective Mau Struc illustrated by Agustí Fructuoso (1982); Volume 2, with texts by Joan Colominas and drawings by Jordi Trapero (1982); Volume 3, with Mercè de Prat and Víctor Ramírez (1982); Volume 4, with Miquel Arimany and Enric Morera (1983); Volume 5, with ‘Viatge misteriós’ by Miquel de Palol and Conxa Ibáñez (1983); and Volume 6, with ‘Vol de ploma’ by Miquel Alzueta and Viladot (1983).


The books of the collection ‘Poemes i Dibuixos’ can be found in the Thomas Jefferson Building or in the John Adams Building


In the US National Library we also find Volume 7 of ‘Poemes i Dibuixos’, with ‘Simplement sobre la terra’ by Manuel de Pedrolo and Maria Montserrat Barenys (1983). There is also Volume 8, with verses by Marià Manent and drawings by Josep Fossas (1983); Volume 9, with J. V. Foix and Antònia Soler Lladó (1984); Volume 10, with Salvador Espriu and Joan Descals (1984); Volume 11, with the couple formed by the writer Josep Maria Llompart and the painter Margarida Cabot (1984); or Volume 12, with ‘Cançons per a en Jaume’ by Jordi Vintró and Doris Malfeito (1984).



The poems by Ovidi Montllor, illustrated by Marta Cabeza and made up of Volume 13 of the collection (1985), also form part of the Library of Congress fund. Also found the Volume 14, with Baltasar Porcel and Adelaida Murillo (1985); Volume 15, with Joaquim Pardo and Fernando Lozano (1985); Volume 16, with ‘Atzar’ by Jordi Vallès and Ricardo Naise (1985), and finally, Volume 17, with the verses of Joan Basté and the illustrations by Jaume de Oleza (1986).

In total, in the Library of Congress of the United States, there are 17 books of great Catalan poets like Salvador Espriu, J. V. Foix, Marià Manent or Manuel de Pedrolo


Jordi Costa only made a print run of 250 copies of each of the volumes of the collection. The United States Library of Congress fund is still incomplete.

There are several volumes missing, corresponding to the books of poets and painters such as Víctor Pallàs – Eduard Oliva; Xavier Bru de Sala – Joan Queralt; Jaume Vidal Alcover – Rodolf Saval; Vicent A. Estellès – Sento Masià, Manuel de Seabra – Vimala Devi or Esteve Albert – Claude Collet.

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